Radio Sound Settings

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by teem, Aug 20, 2004.

  1. teem

    teem Guest

    I need to hear this explained,on my Ion,the radio has pre-selected sound
    variations,rock,c&w,classic,custom,etc,are these types the electronics
    manufacturers just "put on?".There is some sound difference,but the only
    things you can adjust,yourself,are treble & bass.And why does my radio keep
    skippng bass & going to treble?,have to keep pecking that knob. Thanks.
    teem, Aug 20, 2004
  2. teem

    marx404 Guest

    those are equlizer presets set by the factory. I agree, not alot of audible
    difference, but you can hear the difference between say, News, Jazz and
    Country EQ settings.

    Check out your owners manual for exactly how to operate your EQ settings,
    you shouldnt need to "peck" at it. You should be able to select and toggle
    through all settings one by one. It may difer between which factory audio
    system you have.

    marx404, Aug 21, 2004
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