Problem with rear door lock

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by anutforyou, Sep 10, 2007.

  1. anutforyou

    anutforyou Guest

    I have a 95 SL1 and one of the rear doors cannot
    be opened from the inside, but works fine opening
    the outside handle/lock. Anyone familiar with
    what might be wrong? Are there 2 seperate cables
    in the locking mechanism? Might something just
    need greasing or is it gone? I would like to know
    somewhat the damages before I take it into the
    dealer or my regular repair shop.

    anutforyou, Sep 10, 2007
  2. anutforyou

    Bob Shuman Guest

    From your description, it sounds to me like the "Child Safety Interlock"
    feature has been enabled. Look for the mechanism on the side of the door
    since it is hidden unless it is opened. Good luck and post what you find.

    Bob Shuman, Sep 10, 2007
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