problem with my altenator bracket....need help

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by panthersny, Jan 26, 2004.

  1. panthersny

    panthersny Guest

    the bracket that the altenator mounts on has broken cleanly off. It looks to be a part of the engine block and i am unsure of how to fix it. is it part of the block? can it be welded back on? do I have to replace the engine? 1997 sl2 w/135k on it.

    gah to this

    also if the only option was to replace the engine would saturn be willing to pay for the motor and i pay this looks to be metal failure..not rust or stress
    panthersny, Jan 26, 2004
  2. panthersny

    Steve Guest

    to be a part of the engine block and i am unsure of how to fix it. is it
    part of the block? can it be welded back on? do I have to replace the
    engine? 1997 sl2 w/135k on it.
    to pay for the motor and i pay this looks to be metal
    failure..not rust or stress

    It seems from my own experience and from other posts to this NG that
    Saturn will sometimes do this. My suggestion to you would be to discuss
    this with your dealer's service manager and with Saturn Customer Assistance
    (from the Saturn web site at URL, click the link
    labeled "CONTACT US" to bring up the "Contact Us" page, then on the link
    labeled "CUSTOMER ASSISTANCE" to bring up the Customer Assistance web page.
    From there, you can either enter information via the web page form or find
    the phone number to call them.
    Good luck!
    Steve, Jan 26, 2004
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