Prestone Dexcool

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Oppie, Feb 21, 2004.

  1. Oppie

    Oppie Guest

    I was in the parts store today looking to get a replacement passenger cabin
    air filter. Couldn't find a listing and will probably wind up getting one
    from Saturn parts here in White Plains.

    While there, since I just can't leave a parts store without browsing first,
    found that Prestone now makes a DEX-COOL (GM approved) coolant. Comes in a
    silver bottle under the name Prestone® Extended Life 5/150

    Don't need it right now but like to have a bottle on hand. $9.95 at local
    auto parts store; $19.95 at Saturn parts (iirc).

    For gits and shiggles, I requested a copy of the MSDS on the prestone. Will
    post if there is any interest.

    2001 LW300 (41K)
    Oppie, Feb 21, 2004
  2. Oppie

    Markwalt Guest

    When you go to the parts department at White Plains, tell Jack and Sonny
    I said "Hi" :)

    Then come by the showroom and introduce yourself.

    Salesman, Saturn of White Plains
    Markwalt, Feb 22, 2004
  3. Oppie

    James1549 Guest

    Personally I stay away from DexCool type antifreeze of any brand. Although it
    could be rumor, I heard there is some kind of class action law suit against GM
    for this product.

    I help maintain a fleet of 15 GM cars at work. We always flush the DexCool out
    before it is due. Our fleet mileage is always way ahead of the "time"

    Once the DexCool is totally flushed, we always refill with the regular green
    antifreeze. We change the coolant every 2 years regardless of what type is in
    the system. And there has been absolutely no trouble once we change it over.

    I can tell you this, the DexCool stuff always gets the crude around the
    radiator cap gasket and inside the resevoir bottle.
    The green stuff is always much cleaner.

    I am sure other will disagree, but this is my expierence. James
    James1549, Feb 22, 2004
  4. Before I was enlightened by the group, I asked the guy in the store which
    type my Saturn used. He said they were the same and the color was basically
    just to help the dealer get out of doing any warranty repair work.

    That will teach me to ask a teenager anything, eh? (wink)
    Jonnie Santos, Feb 22, 2004
  5. Jonnie Santos, Feb 24, 2004
  6. Oppie

    Oppie Guest

    Thanks Jonnie, that resource was new to me.

    I also learned that most non-binaries NGs do not accept attachments.
    Couldn't figure out at first where the post had gone. I have a new computer
    and the 'sent' folder was created under a different account than I was
    accustomed to. That's why I wound up posting twice. Then the post didn't
    appear on the news account I read from. Tried using to find
    another free news server to verify if the post went out. Several servers had
    rejected the post but did have both posts. Those crazy
    Germans... (did I mention my last name is Oppenheimer).
    Normally I read news through which has a one-time setup fee
    for up to 50meg/day. Good deal since my office connection has no news server
    associated with it so I had to get an external one.

    Robert 'oppie' Oppenheimer
    Oppie, Feb 24, 2004
  7. Oppie

    jeff Guest

    I agree with James. I work in a school district fleet services shop, and we
    just started flushing Dexcool out of 1 year old (gasoline engine) buses
    with only 15,000 to 20,000 miles on them. The factory sends them to us with
    overconcentration and on a spectrometer the protection level is off the
    scale. Within that year the system develops an unrecognizable green slime.

    We also found that when it reaches this state, that a high level of
    electrolysis (1.8 volts) is present at the radiator.
    jeff, Feb 25, 2004
  8. Ok, whatever was the point of Dexcool, besides apparently being good for
    eating away cooling systems right after the warrenty's up?
    Philip Nasadowski, Feb 25, 2004
  9. Yeah, I quit posting pics after I discovered the same. I used to have a
    free account at but then the new ISP has a
    newserver so I quite using the one in Berlin.

    Germans are amazing - I love John (Jack) Northrop's flying wing from the
    40's and have since discovered the Horten brothers in Germany doing the same
    thing about the same time. Should have figured. Oppenheimer... Robert...
    ??? Bet you get kidded about the Manhattan Project, Los Alamos, etc.
    Jonnie Santos, Feb 25, 2004
  10. Ok, whatever was the point of Dexcool, besides apparently being good for
    Claimed lifespan of 5 years of 150,000 miles between flushes. Less hassle
    for the user and less chems to dispose of (in theory)...
    Jonnie Santos, Feb 25, 2004
  11. Oppie

    Oppie Guest

    Do a google search for "will the real mr oppenheimer" and you will get the
    article that Design News Magazine did on me last year. I had submitted an
    entry to their 'Gadget Freak' contest for engineers that use their talents
    in a home project and the chief editor asked to do a human interest piece.
    The article I submitted can be seen at as case #42.
    Whimsical picture they had taken of me and I hated the caption line they
    used but all in all it was fun.


    To view the magazine's archives, a free registration is required.

    Here is the text minus the rather good picture:
    What would it be like to go through life as an engineer with a name that
    carries powerful associations with the era of nuclear weapons, McCarthyism,
    and mutual assured destruction? Ask Robert Oppenheimer, an electrical
    engineer in Hawthorne, NY. No relation to the J. Robert Oppenheimer, he's
    had to put up with the usual raised eyebrows, wisecracks, and outright
    disbelief over his name for much of his life. Probably more than his share,
    given his choice of engineering as a career. "In college I took a course in
    relativistic physics, and when I signed my name on the exam the professor
    assumed some student was having fun at his expense," he recalls. "Luckily,
    he still passed me." These days Robert, who is good humored about it all,
    says that he gets more questions about the Oppenheimer Funds (no relation
    there, either) than the A-bomb. Guess the Cold War really is over.

    For valid response address, remove the '1' following oppie
    | Yeah, I quit posting pics after I discovered the same. I used to have a
    | free account at but then the new ISP has a
    | newserver so I quite using the one in Berlin.
    | Germans are amazing - I love John (Jack) Northrop's flying wing from the
    | 40's and have since discovered the Horten brothers in Germany doing the
    | thing about the same time. Should have figured. Oppenheimer...
    | ??? Bet you get kidded about the Manhattan Project, Los Alamos, etc.
    Oppie, Feb 25, 2004
  12. Very cool - great link. I think the other R. Oppenheimer was misunderstood
    in the end - but it's a new day (so to speak).
    Jonnie Santos, Feb 25, 2004
  13. Oppie

    BANDIT2941 Guest

    Claimed lifespan of 5 years of 150,000 miles between flushes. Less hassle
    I don't think the makers of Imodium AD would appreciate a product on the market
    that would allow users to go 5 years between flushes :)

    Sorry, couldn't resist Jonnie.
    BANDIT2941, Feb 26, 2004
  14. But think of all the water you'd save!!!

    Jonnie Santos, Feb 26, 2004
  15. Oppie

    BANDIT2941 Guest

    But think of all the water you'd save!!!

    Good point!
    BANDIT2941, Feb 26, 2004
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