Posts with Forged e-mail Addresses

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by SMS, May 13, 2008.

  1. SMS

    SMS Guest

    A Usenet troll has been spoofing my e-mail address in posts on

    This began on 12 May 2008. In order to distinguish between forged posts,
    and genuine posts, I've set up a web page with the dates and times of
    the forged posts and the genuine posts. See ""

    Please check this list if you have any doubt as to which posts are
    forged and which are real, however it's pretty obvious. The genuine
    posts from me are fact-based, referenced posts, with useful information.
    If they are follow-ups, they directly respond to the earlier posts.

    The forged posts have no information, just personal attacks. I'll update
    this list periodically.
    SMS, May 13, 2008
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