possible fix needed Lw300

Discussion in 'Saturn L-series' started by Tuneup, Jul 8, 2005.

  1. Tuneup

    Tuneup Guest

    start car self diagnostics seem ok for traction control after a couple
    of seconds the the on/off switch light goes out -- traction control is
    off and cannot be turn on -- computer reset works only once and then
    an engine restart repeats the problem
    Tuneup, Jul 8, 2005
  2. Tuneup

    Oppie Guest

    I had that happen with my '01 lw300 also once.
    Pull the 'controls B+' fuse in the under hood fuse box for about 10 seconds.
    This will reset any codes and faults. I did this and the fault never came
    back. See if it will work for you. If it comes back you'll have to
    troubleshoot the ABS or Body control module.
    Oppie, Jul 8, 2005
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