New to this group I see we have some highly experienced experts offering advice. I'm looking to purchase a Saturn in the very near future, because of the 35~38mpg rating these cars have established. Over the past 3 weeks or so I have test driven 4 or 5 Saturns ranging in years from 1999 to 2002, all of them SL2's, all automatics w/ overdrive. One thing I found in common with all of the Saturns I've driven is what seems to be a down-shifting flaw. At speeds around 45 or 50 mph, when you step down on the gas (to hit "passing gear"), the transmission doesn't down-shift to the next ratio, say 4th to 3rd, or 3rd to 2nd. It seems to drop aaaaLL the way back to first gear, causing the engine to "rev" to a very uncomfortable 5~6,000 rpm. This can't be good for the engine! My question is, this a malfunction? or is this normal operation? Is it a mal-adjusted passing gear linkage?, or a glitch in the computerized shift program? Do all of the Saturns downshift this harshly?'s odd that all of the one's I've test-driven behaved the same. I would like to add that my wife's car, a 2001 Chevy S10 2.2 litre 4cyl. w/ 4spd overdrive automatic, also downshifts in the same manner, all the way down to 1rst, no matter how lightly you press the accelerator. Is this simply the way GM designed the shift pattern for all its' 4 cyl. automatics?...a design flaw?...or just something out of adjustment? Any input will be greatly appreciated. Hope to hear from you soon.