
Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Madmax, Jan 1, 2006.

  1. Madmax

    Madmax Guest

    1997 Saturn SL1 w/85k, Auto

    Check engine light came on after changing the transmission fluid.
    Granted at about 85,000 miles it looked like the OEM transmission fluid
    and filter I removed, but no accounting for previous owner maintenance
    schedule. Scan tool spit out:
    P0717 Mod$10
    Input/Turbine Speed Sensor A
    Circuit No Signal

    The service manual I have is no help. Is this a sensor gone out or
    should I start shopping for a rebuilt transmission?


    Madmax, Jan 1, 2006
  2. it is a bad sensor, just replace it and problem should be solved, unless
    the wires to it are chaffed or broken...
    TheLastDonSC2, Jan 9, 2006
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