P0300, P0420, P0452 and transmission issue

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by Beaverplt, Jul 18, 2024.

  1. Beaverplt


    May 17, 2024
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    Yesterday I ran into an issue with my SL1. The charging system warning light came on as I was running some errands. At first I thought I had a serpentine belt issue. I stopped to check the belt. It was fine and nothing else happened to indicate an issue with it. I decided that since I only had one more stop close to home, I would run that errand. The car started up just as normal after the stop. But as I left the parking lot the SES light went on. The car also would not shift out of first gear. I limped home slowly and checked for the codes. I read the three codes, P0300, P0420, and P0452. The P0420 code is familiar to me (and probably every other S-series owner). What I can't figure out what the other two codes have to do with the transmission issue. Any help is appreciated.
    Beaverplt, Jul 18, 2024
  2. Beaverplt


    Jun 16, 2024
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    P0300 - general misfire.
    P0420 - Catalyst System Low Efficiency (Read more: https://www.autocodes.com/p0420_saturn.html).
    P0452 - Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor Circuit Low Voltage (https://www.engine-codes.com/p0452_saturn.html).

    Before working these three error codes, is the serpentine belt tensioner worn out, allowing the serp belt to flop at idle? A worn clock spring belt tensioner (belt should not deflect easily with fingers - 50lbs of spring tension). If belt tension is tight, measure alternator output; it should be between 13.5-14.5 vdc at idle. Below 13v, the alternator may be suspect. Once belt, tensioner, alternator and battery cable connections are eliminated, move on to address the three error codes.
    Nutjob1, Jul 24, 2024
  3. Beaverplt


    May 17, 2024
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    It took a bit of research and a bit of reasoning, but other than the P0420 code, the other two codes and the transmission issue have one thing in common. They all have need of a properly operating charging system. I tested the system and discovered that my alternator was failing. The clue I initially missed was the charging system warning light. I had been certain I had a serpentine belt issue, but after I eliminated that possibility, I found a post that mentioned the charging system. I would call that my "DUH" moment. Replaced the alternator and I'm back on the road.
    Beaverplt, Aug 1, 2024
    Nutjob1 likes this.
  4. Beaverplt


    Sep 21, 2023
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    Electric Ladyland
    You actually mentioned the charging light yourself in your first post......
    Derf, Aug 26, 2024
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