So about 1/4 mile from home, my 5 month old water pump froze. Apparently the flat circular piece spot welded to the fins broke off and got mangled by the spinning fins and locked it up. Got both pieces out, fortunatly but im worried about my cylinder head. My temp gauge went quickly into the red!! would a 1/4 mile of overheating be enough to seriously warp or crack the head? I have no external evidence of anything like that happening but when i drained my coolant from the radiator, there was some fine, dust like particles suspended in the coolant, that looked fairly metallic like, maybe it was jsut dirt and grime...not sure. I havent removed it yet cuz im afarid of what ill find, plus ill be tempted to do a valve job since ive gone that far but i really dont wanna spend the money! =) 200, 000+ miles im sure it could use it but then whats next to go, ya know? Tim