Over heating issues

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Edgar Summitt, Nov 27, 2017.

  1. Edgar Summitt

    Edgar Summitt

    Nov 27, 2017
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    I have a 97 Saturn SC1 (The four-door) it does have a single overhead cam of course. I am having an issue with the car overheating.I have replaced the thermostat,the water pump, the reservoir, and temp sensor. Was told to check and see if my radiator was clogged I took the hose off of the motor at the top and noticed that there was no water in it. Running water was not going through it. So I was putting water into it I then noticed that when the car is running and the hose is off the water is actually coming out of the inlet instead of going out of the outlet. I have no idea why it would do this I don't know what to do at this point trying to find some answers from somebody that might have went through this before. I know it sounds strange but I do Drive Saturn's a lot and I have never seen one where the water comes out of the inlet instead of going in. Please help me.
    Edgar Summitt, Nov 27, 2017
  2. Edgar Summitt


    Dec 30, 2017
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    Up State New York
    Check Electric Cooling Fan Is Not Coming When The Engine Temperature Rises To
    Excessive Level.
    gotay, Dec 30, 2017
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