One headlight is dim

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Jim G, Apr 9, 2007.

  1. Jim G

    Jim G Guest

    This is a 2001 Saturn wagon. One of the low beams seems half as bright as
    it should be (right side). Replaced the bulb but that did not help. The
    high beam on that side don't work but not worried about that. Any ideas on
    this? Thanks a lot for any ideas!
    Jim G, Apr 9, 2007
  2. Jim G

    Bob Shuman Guest

    In many cases this is the result of a bad ground to the light due to
    rust/corrosion. If you are getting the full ~13VDC from the battery to the
    light, then I'd suspect the ground wire. If the voltage to the bulb is low
    (as measured referenced to the battery negative post), then it could also be
    due to bad contacts inside the headlight relay.

    This should not be too difficult to fix. Post what you find for the benefit
    of others and good luck.

    Bob Shuman, Apr 9, 2007
  3. Jim G

    SnoMan Guest

    A good why to trouble shot this it use a pin to get thru insulation by
    socket and measure voltage with light on before bulb and after buld to
    ground. You should have around 12 volts on hot side and no volts on
    ground side when referanced to ground. If voltage is below 12 it is in
    the feed and if voltage is present between ground side of plug and
    ground then ground is bad.
    SnoMan, Apr 10, 2007
  4. Jim G

    James1549 Guest

    The WORST thing you can do to a car's electrical system is to probe
    WILL BE SORRY LATER. Probing a wire is best way to start corrosion
    inside the wire and have a never-ending problem. Check for voltage at
    the headlight connector, high and low beams. Check for ground at the
    headlight connector.

    PLEASE DO NOT PROBE THE WIRE INSULATION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    James1549, Apr 10, 2007
  5. Jim G

    SnoMan Guest

    I disagree, done properly it is not a problem and if you are worried
    about it you can simple put a little silicone grease or sealant on it
    when you are done. I pin make a very small hole that tends to seal
    afterwards and I have done this for many years in many applications
    and never had any ill come from it.
    SnoMan, Apr 10, 2007
  6. Jim G

    dale randall Guest

    Jim I would check fuses , my 2000 Lw2 manual shows fuses for each head
    light. Sounds like it may be staying in the DRL position (driving
    light) which is dimmmer than regular lights.
    dale randall, Apr 14, 2007
  7. Jim G

    Father Mike Guest

    I would say that the dim light has a corroded interior. The bulb generates
    enough light, but it doesn't get out of the headlamp.

    I had another car that had water in the headlamp enclosure and it sounds
    much like your problem. If it is the case, the only solution is to replace
    the whole reflector unit. I tried and tried to dry it out, but I couldn't.
    It just seemed to suck moisture back in.
    Father Mike, Apr 21, 2007
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