Odometer stopping on 94 SC2

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Fred, May 23, 2007.

  1. Fred

    Fred Guest


    My odometer and trip meter have been stopping occasionally lately. Then they
    start up again all by themselves. The speedometer works all the time. Any
    ideas anyone?

    94 SC2
    Fred, May 23, 2007
  2. Fred

    marx404 Guest

    Yup, unfortunately, your ODO is on the way out. It is controlled by a tiny
    plastic gear that was poorly designed by Saturn which breaks in '93 '94
    models commonly. It is not easily accessible, it's back in the gauge
    cluster. It can be replaced, but it is expensive. Best not to touch it while
    the car is moving, that's how many break.
    marx404, May 23, 2007
  3. Fred

    RK Henry Guest

    Is this related to the "scrunch, scrunch" sound my '97 odometer makes
    in cold weather? It works well, but it just makes noise. I found out
    there was a bulletin on it, and that it costs $200 to fix, so I
    decided to live with it.

    Just wondered if this is a related problem or if it's something
    completely different.

    RK Henry
    RK Henry, May 28, 2007
  4. Fred

    Fred Guest


    I don't hear any noise on mine. Just stops and
    starts whever it feels like!

    Fred, Jun 1, 2007
  5. Fred

    Fred Guest

    I guess not too many here know about these things. I'll see what
    I can find on google.

    Fred, Jun 2, 2007
  6. Fred

    BläBlä Guest

    Try Saturnfans.com
    BläBlä, Jun 3, 2007
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