OBD2 code scanner preferences

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Oppie, Jan 6, 2004.

  1. Oppie

    Oppie Guest

    Does anybody have a preference for a laptop computer / OBD2 code scanner?

    I had been looking at the autotap unit www.autotap.com The new ones are now
    USB rather than RS-232 into the computer since many of the new laptops no
    longer have external serial connectors. USB is faster anyway.

    Gives generic data and at additional cost, enhanced data specific to GM shch
    as transaxle settings. (does this apply to Saturn too?)

    My son has a similar tool specifically for use with VW and it can set how
    the door latches lock and unlock (and at what speed). This along with about
    200 parameters that no sane user would touch. Good tool though and nice user

    Thanks for any other recommendations and comments
    Oppie, Jan 6, 2004
  2. Jonnie Santos, Jan 6, 2004
  3. Oppie

    Oppie Guest

    I have a laptop and no pda so you see where I'm going with this. <g>
    The obdii.com site has some good information on it and appears to be
    operated by B&B electronics and autotap. I expect that there would be some
    brand favoritism there.

    Was looking to see if one of the group gurus had any insights on plain
    generic model vs the enhanced data versions reletive to the Saturn cars.


    Oppie, Jan 6, 2004
  4. ....kind of a weird question - but I have thought about doing some war
    driving with my laptop however the passenger seat is not flat, and hard
    braking would send the computer flying. Any ideas?

    Jonnie Santos, Jan 7, 2004
  5. Oppie

    Glomis Guest


    I've used it to hold odd shaded items in place...not sure if it would work
    with a laptop. You could also try one of those bungee cords with hooks on
    the ends - one hook under the seat and one on the seat back maybe. I
    dunno...I'm ramblin' here... :)


    Glomis, Jan 7, 2004
  6. ....maybe a small wooden box-like shelf, and then the belt around it -
    thanks, using the seatbelt got my head to thinking...
    Jonnie Santos, Jan 8, 2004
  7. Oppie

    Tom Vaughan Guest

    Hey there,

    I just ordered a scan tool from www.cartechsolutions.com It is the same tool
    made and sold by www.scantool.net It comes with new software made by
    Digimoto and it appears to be a very good setup. I will have it next week
    sometime, so I will post again after I get to try it out!

    2001 Yellow SC2
    1992 Blue SC
    Tom Vaughan, Jan 11, 2004
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