o2 sensor signal wire

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by jizza, Oct 15, 2005.

  1. jizza

    jizza Guest

    I am trying to install an air/fuel ratio gauge in my 96 satur sl2 and i
    need to know what wire from the sensor is the signal wire
    jizza, Oct 15, 2005
  2. jizza

    Blah Blah Guest

    Not sure why you need such a gage but...

    -----4 wire 02S----
    A BLK/WHT - 451L .50 O2 - SIGNAL GROUND

    B PPL/WHT - 1668-AUTO/1668M-MAN .35 - O2 RETURN

    C DK GRN - 1423 .35 O2 - HEATER GROUND

    D PNK - 639E .80 O2 - HEATER FEED

    -----2 wire----
    Blah Blah, Oct 15, 2005
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