Not Saturn Related - Trophy Search... Help?

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Joe Dufu, Feb 15, 2004.

  1. Joe Dufu

    Joe Dufu Guest

    I'm working on a "skit" for the local youth program my wife and I oversee...
    We are looking for old trophies to give away as gag gifts to participants
    who win certain "contests."

    If anyone has any old bowling, lacrosse, swimming, weight lifting, etc...
    trophies they would be willing to mail to me, it would be awesome. The more
    obscure the sport or trophy, the better but even the "normal" type are
    gladly accepted. I'll provide a receipt for the donation to the legal
    charity and you can get some tax credit next April...

    We need about 50-60 for an upcoming event so I'm asking for help in my
    favorite groups. Feel special yet? <grin>

    Just eMail me privately or feel free to mail the items directly to me at the
    office at the address listed at as there are only two of
    us there and the other guy won't have any problems giving me any "strange"
    packages to open. :)

    You can also call me at 973.571.1456 and leave a message (I NEVER answer
    that phone) and I'll call you back. Just make sure to leave a number!

    Just make sure you provide your legal name and mailing address if you want a
    receipt and mail without contacting me as mentioned above.

    Thanks folks!

    Joe - V#8013 - '86 VN750 - joe @ yunx .com
    Ask me about "The Ride" on July 31, '04:

    I'm not a total idiot... I am after all, missing parts.
    Joe Dufu, Feb 15, 2004
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