Normal/Performace Switch

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Brad Allison, Apr 8, 2005.

  1. Brad Allison

    Brad Allison Guest

    I recently bought a 93 SL2 as a second car and it did not come with an
    owner's manual. What exactly does the normal/performance switch do? I
    can't seem to notice any difference. On some other cars I have noticed a
    switch to disable overdrive but it does not seem like that is what this
    switch does.
    Brad Allison, Apr 8, 2005
  2. Brad Allison

    Bob Shuman Guest

    The switch is supposed to change the shift points to allow the engine to rev
    to higher RPM in the "performance" mode thereby generating more base HP. In
    "economy" mode, the engine will shift to higher gears sooner generating
    improved fuel economy. To see if it is working properly you could start
    from a dead stop and watch the tachometer to see where it goes from first to
    second, second to third, etc. and then do the same with the switch changed.

    Bob Shuman, Apr 8, 2005
  3. Brad Allison

    tholen Guest

    It changes the shift points. In performance mode, it will stay in a
    lower gear longer while accelerating. Expect performance mode to
    reduce gas mileage as a result.
    tholen, Apr 8, 2005
  4. Brad Allison

    DannyB20 Guest

    What exactly does the normal/performance switch do? I
    can't seem to notice any difference.

    When turned on it also will kick the tranny into the lower gears with
    less down gas pedal travel.
    DannyB20, Apr 9, 2005
  5. Brad Allison

    shoppa Guest

    What exactly does the normal/performance switch do?

    It changes the shift points to let the engine spin out to higher RPM
    before shifting gears. The resulting "PERF" shift feels a little
    harsher. No real increase in performance, it just makes the sound
    Shifting to "3" will disable overdrive (but leave the first three gears
    unaffected otherwise). When driving on hills around 30-35MPH it's
    sometimes nice to disable overdrive to stop the transmission from
    shifting in and out of OD all the time.

    shoppa, Apr 11, 2005
  6. What exactly does the normal/performance switch do?

    Wakes up the extra hamster in the engine.
    Philip Nasadowski, Apr 12, 2005
  7. Gerbils in the Civics....that's why so many "ricers" have that funny/loud
    exhaust sound.
    hoosier_drifter, Apr 12, 2005
  8. They really should have labled this switch "Normal/EPA". It changes the
    shift points to increase fuel economy very slightly, at the expense of

    Most newer vehicles have dropped this switch. Some older vehicles had both a
    Normal/Performance switch, as well as another switch to disable overdrive.
    Steven M. Scharf, Apr 14, 2005
  9. Most cars still have O/D disable. My friend's Nissan did, and it
    'forgot' I wanted O/D off whenever you shut the engine. Very annoying.
    I'm sure it makes the EPA happy, though.
    Philip Nasadowski, Apr 14, 2005
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