NO AC after PCM flash on 2000 SL2

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by millerk, Jul 16, 2006.

  1. millerk

    millerk Guest


    Today I took my 2000 SL2 to the dealer to have the PCM flashed. I had
    added factory cruise control components, but the car didn't recognise
    it. I have been told by several people that just flashing the PCM
    would solve this.

    Well, when I took my car into the dealer everything was working except
    for the cruise I had added.

    They came out and told me they upgraded the PCM to the latest code that
    had a bunch of improvements. Well, then they returned my car, but
    asked me if the airbag light had been on. I told them yes, but only
    when I had been running the car with no airbag connected. Once I put
    the airbag module back on, there was no airbag light. Then they told
    me they would have to dive in and do more diagnostics (well at $91 an
    hour, I wasn't up for that) so I told them I would take th car.

    Then I got going down the road and I noticed that the AC would not come
    on. I turned around and went back to the dealer and asked if there was
    any reason the AC should not come on. Well the service forman jumped
    in the car and took it back into the shop. After an hour they came out
    and told me they didn't have time to look at my car right now, but they
    would spend some more time with it later if I could leave it with them.

    At the end of the day, they called me and said they had spent 3-4 hours
    on my car, that they were not going to charge me for, but to do any
    further diagnostics, they would have to charge me for 2 hours $182.
    UUGH. Now I am wondering if I should just buy a used PCM.

    Does anyone have any other suggestions?

    Is the BCM involved with the AC and Cruise Control at all, or should I
    just concentrate on the PCM?

    Please reply here and e-mail me if possible....

    millerk, Jul 16, 2006
  2. millerk

    dirtbag Guest

    Assuming you didn't knock something off when you installed the Cruise

    You brought a car into the dealer with a working A/C system.

    You left with a non functioning A/C system.

    You should not have to pay for this repair unless they can prove to you
    that some unrelated part, like the compressor, just happened to fail at
    that time.

    Before you bring it in, I would check the connector on the low pressure
    switch for the A/C to make certain it didn't get knocked off.
    I'm not sure where it is in that car, but in most GM cars it is on the
    drier assembly.
    dirtbag, Jul 16, 2006
  3. millerk

    wavy Guest

    I had almost forgotten why I go through the skinned knuckles, smashed
    fingers and general discomfort from unnatural positions... the heat,
    dust, foaming vile liquids and yucky black grease that wont come off
    your hands, arms and elbows... the toil, the out and out strain
    (mental included) of a tough and frustrating mechanical challenge... .

    Thanks for reminding me...

    (currently accepting memberships applications for the good church of
    ethical mechanics)
    wavy, Jul 17, 2006
  4. millerk

    Private Guest

    Well said.
    Private, Jul 19, 2006
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