New Ion syn oil?

Discussion in 'Saturn ION' started by BE, Feb 20, 2006.

  1. BE

    BE Guest

    Maybe you guys can help.

    My wife took her new 06 Saturn Ion 3 - 4,000 miles to a quick lube place and
    asked for good oil as the car was new and this was its 1st oil change.

    They put in QS Full syn oil (cost 2x as much) and changed the filter.

    Is this a problem so early in the cars life?

    BE, Feb 20, 2006
  2. BE

    blah blah Guest

    Sorry is what a problem?
    blah blah, Feb 21, 2006
  3. BE

    Paul Guest

    No, it is not a problem. Some cars come from the factory with Mobil1
    synthetic oil. Corvettes being one of them.

    Paul, Feb 21, 2006
  4. BE

    BE Guest

    The fact that syn was put in. I've read heard some people say that there
    needs to be a longer break-in period with dino prior to switching to syn.
    BE, Feb 21, 2006
  5. BE

    blah blah Guest

    There should be but 4000 on the same oil since it was new should of been
    enough. The oil should have been changed every time to OD hit these mile
    marks, 500/2500/6000/9000 switch to synthetic/13000 or when light tells
    you. Thats how I would break in a new engine if I actually bought new.
    blah blah, Feb 22, 2006
  6. Best time to put in Mobil1 is as soon as you drive it off the dealers's lot.
    Cars don't use break in oil like they did in the jurassic era. Engines have
    much tighter tolerances than they did then.
, Feb 25, 2006
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