Need some advise on replacing struts on SL2

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by James1549, Jun 25, 2004.

  1. James1549

    James1549 Guest

    I have changed a dozen pair or so of front struts over the past 10 years. Well
    I decided to let the local front end shop do the job since I am no longer crazy
    about messing around with a loaded spring bomb!

    I decided against the local shop doing the job when the NEW OWNER came up with
    a price of $400+ for just two front Monroe Sensatracs installed with an
    alignment! Price will be additional $140 if bearing plates are needed! I have
    been sending my front end work/alignment work there for over 20 years. That may

    Anyway, I decided to get some info to do this job myself. I have access to all
    the tools for the job. Now I am getting all kinds of stories on what parts I
    will need to do the job on my '92 SL2.

    Obviously I need the 2 struts. Then I am told to buy 2 boot kits. Then Monroe's
    website suggest that I purchase 2 lower installation kits. The guy at Advanced
    Auto Parts suggest that I also purchase 2 bearing plates...

    I doubt I am going for the bearing plates until I check them... but what about
    the boot kits and lower installation kits? Anyone done this job with any

    James1549, Jun 25, 2004
  2. James1549

    Frank Guest


    I am just about to change the struts on my 97 SL1 and I can add just a
    few comments based on my experience so far.

    Replacing the strut mount / bearing plates:
    Check the following thread:

    Especially the picture provided by Lane:

    About the pricing:
    I'm in Ottawa, ON, Canada and got quotes in the area and over the web
    (Tirerack and places in British Columbia). I found a 2:1 ratio in
    pricing of the exact same Senstrac struts 71924 (88$ to 191$CAN). For
    the strut mounts, it was even worse, Monroe part 901950 came in
    between 22$ and 120$CAN. I also can find KYB GR-2 struts for just
    about the same price as the Monroe.

    I have been looking to get feedback by others as to wheter or not a
    bearing plate is an item that has to be carefully selected, like the
    strut, and see if people out there had a brad name preference but I
    found very just about nothing.

    Going with my gut feeling, I will but KYB struts and bearing plates.

    Let us know what you do.

    Frank, Jun 25, 2004
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