Need fuse layout for 2000s series

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by Michael R. Cirivello, Feb 9, 2006.

  1. Hi folks-

    Is there a website that will detail the layout for the fuses on a 2000 S
    Series? Don't have the manual.

    Any help appreciated.
    Michael R. Cirivello, Feb 9, 2006
  2. Michael R. Cirivello

    marx404 Guest

    not sure of a website, perhaps someone here knows that, but to clarify, do
    you mean the fuse wiring schematic or just what fuse is what? If its the
    latter, the inside of each fuse cover has a diagram imprinted of the
    corresponding fuse layout (under the hood & pass side of center console). If
    you want wiring, Haynes manual has the diagrams.

    marx404, Feb 10, 2006
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