My first out-of-pocket repair

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Elmer Pintar, Jul 2, 2003.

  1. Elmer Pintar

    Elmer Pintar Guest

    at 39,000 miles, the first one...the power windows failed after one
    switch became loose; when I tried to "fix it myself", the maxi-fuse
    blew. Total cost: 175.00..HOWEVER, the part was in stock (Saturn
    dealer) was out in thirty minutes, and got a free car wash. I can see
    local service stations taking a whole afternoon to take longer to find
    out what's wrong, to have to wait for a part store (if they in fact
    carried a power switch panel) and somehow ending up charging the same
    amount. Any comments on Saturn dealer repair? They seem extremely

    Elmer Pintar
    Elmer Pintar, Jul 2, 2003
  2. Elmer Pintar

    Mike Guest

    Less than 1/2 a car payment....
    Mike, Jul 3, 2003
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