My 2003 Saturn Vue is a Lemon

Discussion in 'Saturn VUE' started by shauna, Sep 2, 2005.

  1. shauna

    shauna Guest

    I have had and am having a horrible experience with my 2003 Saturn Vue
    as well as there lousy customer service. For plenty of more details
    check out my blog @
    shauna, Sep 2, 2005
  2. shauna

    Box134 Guest

    Well, you must have gotten a lemon. Consumer Reports has ratings of "very
    good" to "excellent" on the individual segments of the car and yet they have
    an overall predicted reliability of "poor." Their ways are unfathomable at

    I would be worried about the tippiness and poor side impact ratings of the
    Box134, Sep 2, 2005
  3. shauna

    blah blah Guest

    Your site is riddled with pointless information and filled with so many
    holes it's pointless to read it.
    blah blah, Sep 3, 2005
  4. shauna

    Chris Guest

    Your blog shows your frustration, but also is a "how-to" for not getting
    proper service when a problem does crop up. Jumping around to 3 or 4
    different dealers almost guarantees that you won't get the follow-up that
    you are demanding.
    Chris, Sep 4, 2005
  5. shauna

    Art Guest

    If you read the page before the reliability ratings start in Consumer
    Reports you would understand what the charts mean. Basically the categories
    are all based on the same standard no matter what the year. Only on the
    bottom line summary of each chart do they tell you how it compares with
    other models in that year. So if this is 2005 if better be perfect in every
    category since it is brand new for it to be reliable in the bottom line. On
    the otherhand a 1999 can have several lousy categories but still be better
    than average for that year.
    Art, Sep 4, 2005
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