mpg on the 170hp ion 3

Discussion in 'Saturn ION' started by Lyle, Apr 3, 2006.

  1. Lyle

    Lyle Guest

    what is the MPG on the ion 3 with the 170hp engine?
    Lyle, Apr 3, 2006
  2. Lyle

    marx404 Guest

    same as the 2.2, 24/32. Check out for specs on all vehicles.

    marx404, Apr 3, 2006
  3. Lyle

    SnoMan Guest

    My daughter bought a used 97 SC2 with a automaitc (predisseor to Ion)
    and its worst tank so far has been 29 MPG in urban/city driving. We
    are very pleased with its thrityness.
    SnoMan, Apr 4, 2006
  4. Lyle

    bo peep Guest

    <<what is the MPG on the ion 3 with the 170hp engine?>>

    I got one about 6 weeks ago, and have been tracking my mileage. It has
    improved slightly each week, with the most recent being slightly over
    29mpg. Mixed highway/in-town driving.

    John Cowart
    bo peep, Apr 4, 2006
  5. Lyle

    GeekBoy Guest

    The 5 speed performs better and gets around 34 MPG
    GeekBoy, Apr 7, 2006
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