Model year identification

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Fred, Mar 19, 2005.

  1. Fred

    Fred Guest

    Hi Saturn fans

    Does anyone know of a web site that has all the
    pictures of saturns through all the years? I would like
    to figure out the model year of some I see around.

    94 sc2
    Fred, Mar 19, 2005
  2. Fred

    Richard Guest

    I posted a couple of links last night, but the post did not go through for
    some reason. Does this group filter out posts with links to eBay?

    Got to eBay's motors section. Click on passenger vehicles, then on Saturns.
    You will see pictures for each model and year. Many of the items will also
    have multiple pictures when you go into their descriptions.

    Richard, Mar 20, 2005
  3. Fred

    Fred Guest

    Thanks Richard!


    Fred, Mar 20, 2005
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