Luv my 2004 Saturn Ion 1 but.....

Discussion in 'Saturn ION' started by Turnwrench03, Jan 12, 2025.

  1. Turnwrench03


    Jan 12, 2025
    Likes Received:
    I am getting a little frustrated...2.2liter
    Installed new windshield, alternator, plugs, ignition coil and rail, battery, fuel injectors, cleaned idle control module, cleaned throttle body,changed oil and added quart of Lucas, new air filter, took quart of granny fluid out, out quart of Lucas in. So as you can tell I like my Lil grocery getter and keep up on it's maintenance. However, while driving it has started like shutting down( electroniclly). All I have to do is turn ignition off, turn back problem. I checked battery connections, tightened up fuse box bolts...I an at a loss for the problem....any ideas would be greatly appreciated. THANKS!!
    Turnwrench03, Jan 12, 2025
  2. Turnwrench03


    Sep 21, 2023
    Likes Received:
    Electric Ladyland
    Service Engine Soon light on?
    Security light flashing or solid when driving?

    Does the vehicle actually stall when this occurs?
    I ask because you specifically mention turning the key off and then back on, implying the key is still in the run position before you do anything. So my question is the car still running when this happens and if so, does it stall if you do not intervene?

    When the electrical fade out takes place, how is the engine running right before and during? Is there anything that you can do to trigger this behavior?

    Is the charging light lit on the dash?

    What was the rationale for replacing the alternator, battery, coil packs, and fuel injectors? None of those are routine maintenance replacement items though I guess you could claim the battery is if it's dead.
    Derf, Jan 12, 2025
  3. Turnwrench03


    Jan 12, 2025
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    When I purchased the car the previous owner had stated the car was running bad so he replaced battery, alternator, ignition coil, and fuel injectors. The coolant light was on. He thought a head gasket was the issue. He also rolled the O rings when he replaced the injectors. I replaced the injectors O rings. Jumped the coolant reservoir sensor and light went out. The engine had a slight miss so I replaced plugs and rail. Cleaned throttle body, MAP sensor, idle control module. Seem to be running just fine til this latest issue started. Oh, and I did a compression check...all cylinders within 15lbs of each other. While driving, no CEL's the engine will loose power the CEL will flash...I pull over, the car still running, but sluggish with no power. I turn the ignition off. Turn it back CEL and off I go like there was never an issue. WEIRD??? The only CEL that I have had in the last month was P0128...replaced thermostat, pain in the ass, and the CEL has not came back. One more question if I leave my scanner hooked up in the Live Data Model, is there something that I could look for to see what is happening?
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2025
    Turnwrench03, Jan 15, 2025
  4. Turnwrench03


    Sep 21, 2023
    Likes Received:
    Electric Ladyland
    Actually, you didn't include all the details in the post that you made on the other Saturnforum.

    Nothing about the coolant light, nothing about the map sensor... If you don't include all the relevant information, it's really difficult to diagnose your vehicle without seeing it or hearing it. You probably want to continue the thread over at the other forum, since I'm one of two people as far as I can tell that actually replies to anything over here. Maybe the other dude might have some input.

    You also said you replaced the alternator and battery over there, but said he replaced it before you bought it. Makes a difference in troubleshooting.

    Did you do the running compression test per the thread below?

    And replace the coolant expansion tank or wash out the one you have really well and rinse it really really really really really really really really really really well so there's no soap left. You cannot purchase the pressure switch separately to replace it

    We can only make suggestions. It's up to you if you want to follow them.
    Derf, Jan 15, 2025
  5. Turnwrench03


    Sep 21, 2023
    Likes Received:
    Electric Ladyland
    Okay you added to your reply.

    So now he changed all that stuff except for the o-rings and plugs and you change the fuel rail (?)

    What are the actual compression readings?

    And what about the electrical fade out? You didn't answer any of my questions.

    Please be consistent. If you don't want to answer the questions, then I'll stop asking them.
    Derf, Jan 15, 2025
  6. Turnwrench03


    Jan 12, 2025
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    I will be more precise with my input. I have done so many things that I do not remember at the time of posting. I am going to make a list of the things that were replaced prior to my purchase and what I have replaced or cleaned myself so it is thorough and correct. And to answer your question, I did not know the answer til last night when it happened again. I was driving on interstate doing about 75 mph @ 3000 rpm the engine like dumps, does not shut off but no more acceleration. CEL flashing, engine still running but rough idle. Will not accelerate. I do not have to turn all the way off just back to ACC and back on again and engine running smoothly. I am going to do another compression test today and give results as well as complete list of repairs.
    Thank you very much for your help.
    Turnwrench03, Jan 16, 2025
  7. Turnwrench03


    Sep 21, 2023
    Likes Received:
    Electric Ladyland
    Thank you for supplying the information. I do realize that sometimes, with intermittent issues, you can't just spit out an answer in 2 hours.
    Apologies for coming across like a little bitch, but I've been on for coming up on 20 years or something stupid like that. I've had the full gamut of people come across the forum. The people that drive me nasty are the ones that ask for help, don't supply consistent or all of the information, and most importantly, don't seem to want to follow any of the advice anyone gives them. You don't fit into all three categories, but sometimes people come across as though they do. I simply have little patience left for people who ask for advice and then resist or simply don't follow it. After 20 years, you'd think I'd be a little bit more calm about it, but that's just not my way. I'm very intense about keeping these cars on the road and I suppose I always will be. I could work it being more politically correct, which I have, but there are certain situations that piss me off to no end and the trifecta I described is one of them. For the record, usually I go off much harder on people like that. You didn't resist what we were suggesting but there wasn't a lot coming back from our advice, so I get a little worked up and a little more worked up.

    If you want to see some entertaining crap, there are some great back and forths between myself and a whole users who ask questions and then pretend to know more about their problem than we do. I do not hesitate in calling people's bluffs because it's a waste of everyone's time. Just like this post. It's a minute of your life you'll never get back, and neither will I. But sometimes life is just that way.



    Make sure you pull the fuel injector fuse before doing the compression test and put a brick on the accelerator to keep the throttle body plate wide open. Otherwise you get shit for numbers. All plugs out at once, otherwise if you have head gasket leaks, if it's a neighboring cylinder it will affect the reading. And that's usually how it happens.

    Also note that the percentage of ion questions I answer correctly is the lowest of any semi knowledgeable Saturn moderator known to man. My brain is stuck in s car land and as hard as I try, I can't seem to digest that the ion is put together differently.

    Here we are talking basic misfire and not quite sure what else but they are basic fundamental systems that I can troubleshoot. But just like the ECTS on an S car, I can't tell you off the top of my head that it's one of your ignition coil packs because well, I just can't.

    I'm surprised that a misfire on one cylinder if that's all it actually is will steal 98% of the power unless you're going up a hill in West Virginia. I burnt an exhaust valve on my '97 SC2 doing that. Drove it on three cylinders for 9 months then replaced the engine.

    Oh and I blabber on and on until I catch myself like right now.
    Derf, Jan 16, 2025
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