Low Fuel Light

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by BR, Jul 21, 2004.

  1. BR

    BR Guest

    Have a 1997 SL2. Lately the fuel gauge is flipping over to 'E' and the
    light comes on. Although usually going over a bump will reverse this
    and bring the gauge back to normal. What could this be? The sensor
    within the tank?
    BR, Jul 21, 2004
  2. BR

    Oppie Guest

    iirc - the below empty condition is the same as an open circuit. Could be
    inside the tank but start first by removing all connectors and inspecting
    harnesses between the tank and firewall. Often there is a bit of corrosion
    on a connector pin and just pulling it apart and reinserting is enough to
    renew the connection. This is where having a service manual to locate all
    the connectors and harnesses is really useful.
    Oppie, Jul 21, 2004
  3. BR

    BR Guest

    Right now the tank should have just above 1/4 of a tank, but it is
    still flipping over to well below E and the light comes on.
    BR, Jul 22, 2004
  4. BR

    marx404 Guest

    Any chance that you last filled your tank with either Shell or Texaco? There
    is an issue that these stations have had bad gas that causes the fuel sensor
    to go bad. Perhaps have your local Saturn dealer check this out and if this
    is the case, the gas co. has been refunding people for this.

    marx404, Jul 22, 2004
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