low coolant

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Rob, Mar 12, 2007.

  1. Rob

    Rob Guest


    I have a '96 Saturn with 120k on it. The coolant indicator light come
    on and goes off intermittently. I had an OBD read and it reported a
    problem stating something like "low coolant sensor". Is there a
    sensor that monitors coolant level? If so, where is it--I don't see
    anything in the overflow reservoir tub. This sensor obviously reports
    back to the computer. Could this sensor error prevent the drive-cycle
    from taking place. I disconnected my battery about 4 weeks/400mi ago
    and my computer is reporting no codes which is preventing me from
    getting an NYS (New York) inspection.

    By the way, the temp sensor is working fine and the car does not

    Thank you for your help,
    Rob, Mar 12, 2007
  2. Rob

    Bob Shuman Guest


    You need to look closer. There is indeed a small sensor located in the
    bottom of the plastic coolant reservoir. If it comes on intermittently,
    then you are probably low on coolant and the solution is most likely to add
    a 50 mix to get you to the full cold line.

    It might also be a good time to flush and refill the system since this is
    supposed to be done every two years. If you do, then remove the coolant
    recovery reservoir and clean it thoroughly with hot soapy water. Make sure
    you also use the correct coolant (Saturn's use special coolant) and add the
    2 crushed leak-stop pellets as well. The coolant and pellets are available
    from the dealer.

    Bob Shuman, Mar 12, 2007
  3. Rob

    Rob Guest

    Thank you for the tip. You're are correct I didn't look that closely. I
    plan to remove the reservoir tank and do a more thorough search. The level
    in the reservoir is fine, it reads properly for both the cold and hot
    levels. Flushing it also a good suggestion. Perhaps the sensor is bad or a
    dirty reservoir is preventing proper operation.

    Would this flaky sensor prevent a drive cycle from taking place, thus
    preventing the computer from generating codes. I disconnected the battery a
    while ago and the state's NYS inspection computer is telling my mechanic
    that there are no codes to report. He told me to drive the car for a while
    to get the computer to generate codes. I've driven the car for 4
    wks/400miles and the computer is still in the same state.
    Rob, Mar 13, 2007
  4. Rob

    J. Margolin Guest

    You should also check the wires going from the sensor all the way to the

    When my Saturn started flashing the low coolant indicator it turned out
    to be that the sensor wires had been chewed up. I fixed it, and then it
    did it again. It appears that a small animal out here favors yellow wires.

    Now I park the Saturn in my garage.

    J. Margolin, Mar 13, 2007
  5. Rob

    Bob Shuman Guest

    It is dependent on the number of ignition (starts) cycles. I think it
    requires 40 or 50 cycles to turn off/reset that history flag.

    Good luck.

    Bob Shuman, Mar 13, 2007
  6. Rob

    James1549 Guest

    I am not sure about the Saturn, but other GM cars requires the eng
    temp to raise more than 40° before it considers one ignition cycle
    completed. GM dealers have a proceedure to follow, to reset the
    history so it will pass inspections.

    James1549, Mar 14, 2007
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