Losing Electric Power and triggering sensor lights

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by ezekiell, Jul 26, 2007.

  1. ezekiell

    ezekiell Guest

    I have a 97 SC2, when trying to run the car, the lights start to go dim as
    if the alternator doesn't work. But before that, my battery light stays
    on, then the airbag light comes one, then my dashboard needles die. And
    other sensor lights do weird things. Then the engine tries to stall. Is
    this just an alternator issue or do I have a bigger problem at hand. Also
    should note that the battery is new from 4 months ago.
    ezekiell, Jul 26, 2007
  2. ezekiell

    marx404 Guest

    If you have already checked the obvious, I would have your computer checked
    for codes, it could be on it's way out.
    marx404, Jul 26, 2007
  3. ezekiell

    Bob Shuman Guest

    Sounds like either the alternator, battery (yes, a 4-month old battery can
    still go bad), battery connections are dirty, cables are bad, or the
    computer. You'll need a good voltmeter to determine the battery condition.
    Measure voltage at the terminals before starting (should be 12.5V) and again
    after the engine is running at idle (s/b ~14-14.5V).

    If the voltage is not above 12V, then it can cause strange behavior.

    Bob Shuman, Jul 26, 2007
  4. ezekiell

    BläBlä Guest

    Also keep in mind a bad battery will kill a good alternator, and a bad
    alternator will kill a good battery. The last battery could have been
    well past its prime and already damaged the alt.
    BläBlä, Jul 27, 2007
  5. I had the same thing happen on my SC2, 1997. Replace your alternator before
    you end up like me - running on a battery in the rain 5 miles home.
    HyperCube33 \(Life2Death\), Aug 14, 2007
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