a horror story about saturn I tow my saturn behind my r.v. the dealer never told me I had to balance and rotate my tires. every 6000 miles. the transmission was destroyed they told me it was my fault. I sued them in small claims court and a few days before the court date they refunded me the 00.00 I paid to have it reparied.the dealer in roseville ca. was absolutely no help, customer service told me too bad. so I had to sue them.it was amazing how fast they settled when they were served with small claims court papers. I did it all on the internet from my home in auburn ca. . the total cost was .00. (certified return receipt.filing papers etc) I have 37000 miles on it and am on my third set of tires. so my advice after trying to deal with these people do not fight them take them to court,. until they change management, think twice before buying a saturn. I will not go into all the details but you can email me at [email][/email] kenneth oelrich DeleteReplyForwardSpam Move... Previous | Next | Back to Messages Save Message Text