Hello First of all sorry about the long explanation. I have a 2002 L300 with about 70,000 miles everything worked fine until last week that I got the following problems. The car still seams to work fine (engine wise) First the Service (with a small wrench) light came on, took it to my mechanic and he could not find any problems, he reseted the computer. Drove the car over the weekend with no problems, on Monday on the way to home from work (50 mile round trip commute) The service plus the service engine and the antilock brake light came on, took it to the mechanic immediately and with out turning the car off I showed to him, he connected it to his computer and still no error codes, he checked for the Saturn codes and for the "general codes". Reset computer again and went home, next day again on the way home from work the same lights came on again but this time I noticed that my speedometer will drop to 0 miles and go back to the 40 or 50 MPH that I was driving. I also noticed that my fuel needle goes back to empty when my antilock break light comes on, (not sure if at this time the speedometer needle goes to 0) Any ideas anybody, the last one really has me thinking about what relation does the breaks have with the fuel gauge. Bought the car new, really happy with it, do not really want to take it back to the dealer. TIA Jose