Kenwood Radio Dies

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Jonnie Santos, Oct 14, 2003.

  1. ....kinda interesting I lost a battery last month and this morning my Kenwood
    KDC-7011 croaked. The motorized faceplate has worked flawlessly since April
    of '99 (I assumed that is the part that would have failed, however it still
    works fine). The unit powers up and the face rolls forward, but there's no
    display and none of the buttons work. I tried the master reset on the
    Kenwood and it worked a little while this morning. Later in the day it was
    dead again and wouldn't reset.

    I'm hoping this is coincidence and not from the trauma to the electrical
    system from the jump-start when the battery died (otherwise I'd being a
    little concerned the PCM is next to die).

    I've got some bulbs burned out (I've been ignoring them) around the AC
    controls so I guess this is a good excuse to pull things apart. Anyone have
    any input about getting this radio fixed versus replacing?

    ....of course this happens when I'm spending money on the house and don't
    have funds for toys - such is life.
    Jonnie Santos, Oct 14, 2003
  2. Sorry to have to report to you that this is a common problem. I had one
    fail the same way earlier this year in my ZX2. Had the radio since middle
    of '98. I don't think it's easily fixable.

    At the very bottom of the rotating faceplate there's a ribbon cable that
    connects the faceplate to the main radio. After enough open/close cycles
    the conductors develop cracks.

    The radio was great for five years, though. I really liked it.

    Bill K.
    William E. Krantz, Jr., Oct 15, 2003
  3. Drat! Well, guess I'll start planning/saving for a new unit - thanks!

    Did you get another Kenwood? I looked briefly at Crutchfield and definitely
    want MP3 compatibility this time around - seems to be a lot to choose
    from... (Alpine looks interesting - the one I saw didn't have a built in
    Jonnie Santos, Oct 15, 2003
  4. Jonnie Santos

    Elector Guest

    I replaced my Saturn stock radio with a Fujutsu 10 ( Eclipse) when the
    car was brand new and the unit works absolutely great.
    Anti theft built in, has the amps in the back its a CD/AM/FM with 24
    pre-sets, easy to operate and the cost was around $385 in 1999.

    They may be more today but they were rated excellent back then. Oh the
    face plate I bought from Saturn for $12 and it looks like it came with
    the car. Just a thought.

    Elector, Oct 15, 2003
  5. Thanks - I found a few Eclipse models at bizrate but nothing at a couple of
    stores I looked at. Are you talking about the faceplate that centers the
    radio in the space? I've use both 'kits' - pocket on top/radio on bottom,
    and currently have the no pocket/radio in center.

    I guess a broken radio isn't a valid excuse to get a new car, eh? (grin)
    Jonnie Santos, Oct 15, 2003
  6. Jonnie Santos

    Elector Guest


    Yep the pocket on top and radio in the middle is the one I bought from
    Saturn. The one that was installed with the radio was the other (No
    pocket) did not like the look of it and went for the pocket version.

    Elector, Oct 15, 2003
  7. Jonnie Santos

    Kirk Kohnen Guest

    Hey Jonnie!

    Maybe the radio doesn't work any more because YOU reset its computer?

    Kirk Kohnen, Oct 15, 2003
  8. Ha Ha... on this one when the power is removed and then applied again (like
    disconnecting the battery), the flipface opens and flashes "Code" - that's
    my prompt to enter my 4 digit security code. The display rolls out
    (flipface opens), however there's not a glimmer on the display.

    I'm going to guess the built in os (for lack of the correct term) is flashed
    in and the failure to operate is a mechanical failure (broken ribbon cable)
    as Mr. Krantz suggested.
    Jonnie Santos, Oct 16, 2003
  9. I have a similar Kenwood in my Volvo. Had the same problem. I found the
    service center listed on the Kenwood site, sent in my unit, and it was fixed
    for very little money, I think maybe $40ish. I sent the unit on a Monday,
    got a call from the place on Wednesday with the price, unit arrived back in
    my hands on Saturday. It is the ONLY electronic device I have ever had any
    success trying to get repaired.

    David Teichholtz, Oct 16, 2003
  10. Jonnie Santos

    BANDIT2941 Guest

    My friends electronic face Aiwa had the same problem with the ribbon cable.

    It started out with all the buttons not working. But, the remote control
    worked, so he used that. After a couple months that stopped working too........
    BANDIT2941, Oct 16, 2003
  11. Jonnie Santos

    Kirk Kohnen Guest

    Oh. So you DIDN'T clear the codes with a 1/2" drill as you've suggested
    to others? - k.
    Kirk Kohnen, Oct 16, 2003
  12. No, the Kenwood requires a 3/8" drill - everyone knows that! (wink)
    Jonnie Santos, Oct 17, 2003
  13. ....hmmm - I have a remote, I should try that - thanks!

    Jonnie Santos, Oct 17, 2003
  14. ....hmmm, I might try that - thanks! Would beat a several hundred bucks on a
    new one.
    Jonnie Santos, Oct 17, 2003
  15. Jonnie Santos

    Kirk Kohnen Guest

    3/8" is close. It ACTUALLY requires a 10mm (because it's a metric radio),
    but 3/8" will work in a pinch...
    Kirk Kohnen, Oct 17, 2003
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