I've crossed over.....

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Glomis, Feb 22, 2004.

  1. Glomis

    Glomis Guest

    The 100,000 kilometer mark that is!!

    My car is a 2001 SL2. I've changed the oil, plugs and air filter. Anything
    I missed?. I was wondering about the gear box oil - It's a manual - should
    it be changed?

    As you can imagine, this car get driven a lot. It's not even three years
    old and it's got a 10th of a million on it. about 65% of the mileage is

    The complete list of work done on this car is:

    Rotors and pads replaced at 75,000 km
    Serpentine belt replaced at 30,000 km and again at 90,000 km
    Oil changed every 5000 km
    Spark plugs changed at 50,000 km

    Needless to say, I'm pretty pleased. This is my fourth Saturn and I'm
    hoping to get about 400,000 km out of this one before the repair bills get
    too high.


    Glomis, Feb 22, 2004
  2. Glomis

    marx404 Guest

    Air filter and maybe check or cjange the tranny fluid if it's never been
    done before.(?)

    anyways, Congrats!

    marx404, Feb 24, 2004
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