Needing a coroboration of opinions here... 200,000km/120,000Mi. on a 97 SL1 which has had amazingly little trouble. But the "Service Engine Soon" light is now lit steadily and I haven't driven it through a puddle and it's the same low grade gas I've been using for the last few years. The plugs were changed 15,000Km ago when it started to sputter going up minor hills and PCV valve too was changed then. Wires are the same Mangacore ones that I put in at 100,000Km ago. Starts have been funny over the last few months in that it doesn't necearily start on the first turn and I could hold the key there for a while and get nothing, but if I let go and try it again, it starts immediately. Also, if it did start after holding it for a while, the start is kinda rough and sputtery. From my RC airplane days, that was always a sign of too rich a mixture. Hence I'm guessing O2 sensor. Also, anyone know a rough estimate on cost for one of these things? Cheers