Ion2 lease

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by LORENZOD, Mar 20, 2005.


    LORENZOD Guest

    Saw an ad for 159/mo for fully equipped ION2.(24months). What gives, is
    this a decent car? How los does it sit/ride? I have back troubles and
    can't handle a car that difficult to get in and out of.
    LORENZOD, Mar 20, 2005

    Biker Geek Guest

    If you have back problems, you'll hate the Ion's seats. The
    seats are noticeably less comfortable than the ones in my SL2
    were. The seats could have been improved for the '05 model year,
    I don't know--I have an '03.
    Biker Geek, Mar 20, 2005

    Art Guest

    If you want a GM product that size check out the Chevy Cobalt. Same
    platform improved car.
    Art, Mar 20, 2005

    john Guest

    I have the 04 Ion 2 . Horrible to get in and out of.
    john, Mar 21, 2005

    SJ Guest

    I heard that 2005 is quite different from 2004 in terms of seat, and power
    I drove it for two months and have no complaints.
    about the difficulty in getting in and out, give it a try, 'cause we never
    know until we really try.
    SJ, Mar 21, 2005

    Bosco Guest

    II have a bad back and hated the low seats in the [email protected] now have an 05
    Ion2 and I am comfortable..I heard the 04 and previous seats were
    awful....the ones in the 05 have been changed and are very comfortable
    (for me anyway)
    Bosco, Apr 6, 2005
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