ION starting problem

Discussion in 'Saturn ION' started by Guest, Oct 16, 2005.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest


    I'm wondering if anyone has that this problem with 2004 ION 1. About a week
    ago my wife went to start the car and the car and padlock symbol light and
    Service Engine or Interval displayed in the mileage dispay and she then
    tried to start the car it would not start. After second attempt the car
    started and the car symbol and message went off. We thought this was a one
    off. Well today in Costco same thing happened to me but this time it took
    four times to start the car and on the third attempt heard this loud banging
    noise. I took four more trips today without any problems. Spoke to Saturn
    Service and have it booked in for Monday. Anyone else had the same problem
    as I'm thinking the dealer may try and brush it off since it does not happen

    Guest, Oct 16, 2005
  2. Guest

    marx404 Guest

    nope. There are known issues concerning the ION and batteries causing it not
    to start. The shop should know whats up and should be able to fix it.
    Battery issues seem more prevalent in '03, '04 models than later years.

    marx404, Oct 19, 2005
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