Ion Power Steering Fluid

Discussion in 'Saturn ION' started by Kirk Kohnen, Jul 27, 2003.

  1. Kirk Kohnen

    Kirk Kohnen Guest

    I just bought a Saturn Ion 3 Quad Coupe. Love the car.

    Anybody know what kind of power steering fluid it takes?
    Kirk Kohnen, Jul 27, 2003
  2. It's a good idea to read the whole manual. I believe there is no power
    steering fluid. The power steering is electric assist, not conventional
    hydraulic. BTW, the steering feels really good, doesn't it!

    I also got my Bright Red ION 3 Quad Coupe about two weeks ago. I was lucky
    to find one with a sunroof, spoiler, travel package and dark grey leather
    interior. It's a 5-speed. I do like it a lot so far. My dealer learned
    from Saturn that a front cover will be available in August.

    Bill K.
    William E. Krantz, Jr., Jul 27, 2003
  3. Kirk Kohnen

    P Lynch Guest

    Bill is right, there is no fluid, the system is electric.
    Shame on your sales associate, that's one of the things that sets the
    saturn apart from other cars. That should have been talked about in
    the walk around.

    The Saturn Parrts Guy
    P Lynch, Jul 27, 2003
  4. ....that's Kirk's sense of humor - he knew (I didn't and so guess I'll be
    driving my 97 SL-2 for a while longer).
    Jonnie Santos, Jul 27, 2003
  5. Kirk Kohnen

    Steve Elmore Guest

    Try holding a metal 5 gallon bucket over your head during the next
    thunderstorm. You'll need a 5 gallon bucket incase the convulsions cause
    you to spill some!
    Steve Elmore, Jul 28, 2003
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