Ion -Just Gas?

Discussion in 'Saturn ION' started by Teem, Feb 13, 2004.

  1. Teem

    Teem Guest

    I was told by my salesman,that the octane should only be 87,the computer is
    calibrated to read this.Can I add some STP Gas Treatment?,I got 12k now &
    it's been a brutal winter.
    Teem, Feb 13, 2004
  2. Teem

    Oppie Guest

    I periodically add a bottle of either drygas (isopropyl type preferred over
    methyl) or injector cleaner. Keeps everything running nicely.

    Oppie, Feb 13, 2004
  3. Teem

    marx404 Guest

    STP for fuel injectors my Saturn tech told me is a-ok once in awhile as
    needed, as is cleaning the throttle body out with the proper cleaner.
    Other additives may damage your lines or mess with the computer's readings.

    marx404, Feb 14, 2004
  4. Teem

    Markwalt Guest

    I agree. Fuel injector cleaner and drygas won't hurt if used once in a
    Markwalt, Feb 21, 2004
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