Intermittent Stalling on '94 SL1

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by BxP9, Oct 31, 2005.

  1. BxP9

    BxP9 Guest

    The car will run fine for 7 - 10 days in row and then stall while driving.
    A couple of chugs and stall. Will not start for 2 minutes and then off I go
    for another 7 - 10 days. I've replaced the fuel filter and lines, fuel
    pump, water pump (serpentine belt while I was at it) and battery. EGR looks
    good (according to Saturn tech) and the TB is nice and clean.
    My Saturn tech and I are out of ideas. He ran it for 4 hours and it did not
    stall. No codes.
    Any suggestions??
    BxP9, Oct 31, 2005
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