IN memory

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Tenzo, Sep 11, 2003.

  1. Tenzo

    Tenzo Guest

    Tenzo, Sep 11, 2003
  2. Nice link and very appropriate, thanks.

    I can remember that morning very clearly. Getting ready for work around
    5:am, reading my email, drinking coffee and watching Bryant Gumbal on the
    morning news saying a plane had hit one of the towers. I was thinking it
    was a small, private plane (Cessna) at first. I'd shave and then jump back
    in front of the TV, then shower and back in front of the TV again as more
    stuff kept happening. Then I remember driving into work and hearing the
    radio and one of the towers had collapsed. The whole thing just unfurled
    into one of the most surreal days I've ever experienced.

    On what planet do they drive planes into buildings?!?! I'm still mad!!!
    Jonnie Santos, Sep 11, 2003
  3. Tenzo

    Brian Talley Guest

    Very moving. Thank you.
    Brian Talley, Sep 11, 2003
  4. Tenzo

    Napalm Heart Guest

    Thanks for posting this. I sent it to some friends that would like to
    forget. I never will.

    Napalm Heart, Sep 12, 2003
  5. Tenzo

    Speez Guest

    Thanks Tenzo.... very moving!

    Speez, Sep 13, 2003
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