I'm Selling My Saturn

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Joe, Dec 5, 2006.

  1. Joe

    Joe Guest

    I've posted here lots about the stuck ring / oil problem and in 60,000 miles
    it has not gotten any worse so I think it's probably going to be a decent
    car for someone... It's got 160,000 miles and I drive it 70 miles per day
    minimum... Someone gave me a newer car with lower miles so it's a no
    brainer - I'm selling the Saturn.

    I started out asking $1500 for it but I guess that was high. Now I'm down
    to $1000. Anyone want it? <g>

    Seriously though, any tips on selling the beast? I'm in Northern, NJ if it

    Joe in Northern, NJ - V#8013-R

    Currently Riding The "Mother Ship"

    Ride a motorcycle in or near NJ?
    Joe, Dec 5, 2006
  2. Joe

    Doug Miller Guest

    Maybe.... what is it?
    Doug Miller, Dec 5, 2006
  3. Joe

    Joe Guest

    Sorry Doug... 1995 SL1. You can check out the details / photo at
    www.yunx.com if you want or e-mail me privately.

    Price is $1000 OBO of course. I want my driveway back. :)

    Joe in Northern, NJ - V#8013-R

    Currently Riding The "Mother Ship"

    Ride a motorcycle in or near NJ?
    Joe, Dec 5, 2006
  4. Joe

    Doug Miller Guest

    Sorry... was looking for an SC2...
    Doug Miller, Dec 6, 2006
  5. Joe

    JaY Guest

    I have a 95 sc2 for sale..asking $2000 for it. in pretty good shape.
    JaY, Dec 8, 2006
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