ignition timing

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by seth, Mar 7, 2006.

  1. seth

    seth Guest

    I was wondering if anybody with a service manual could tell me what the
    specified timing is for a 99 sl1. I have an odbII reader and it reads
    that it is 20 btdc. This seems early.
    Thank you
    seth, Mar 7, 2006
  2. seth

    SnoMan Guest

    That is about right at a idle. On my duaghters 97 DOHC, it ranges from
    20 to 40 BTDC depending on RPM and load and tempature.
    SnoMan, Mar 7, 2006
  3. seth

    seth Guest

    Dosen't that seem early? I grew up on V8's and eighties toyota four
    cylinders, but i have never seen anything exceeding 15 btdc. You have
    seen 40? That is amazing, what is the advantage of such an extreme
    advance? I thought that at that level of advance, there would be risk
    of serious damage. Maybe that is why saturns ping, and get over
    carboned easily.
    Thank you
    seth, Mar 7, 2006
  4. seth

    SnoMan Guest

    I have seen over 40 on a 1.9 DOHC engine. When you compare timing with
    older engines, you are talking static timing at a idle not as RPM
    increases or vacum advance is aplied. 30 to 40 degrees is quite
    normal at times and needed for good fuel economy too. The actual amout
    of advance will very with RPM and throttle setting unlike a old
    tractor motor that strictly had mechanical advance only and timing was
    predictable at various RPM's. It is a lot more complex on a modern
    car. Above 45 degrees or so you can start to get missfire at part
    throttle and at full throttle it would run poorly and/or knock with
    that much advance. Most new eninge idle around 20 to 25 degress
    advance when warmed up.
    SnoMan, Mar 8, 2006
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