How to install Audio deck

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by AN0NYM0US, May 17, 2004.

  1. AN0NYM0US

    AN0NYM0US Guest

    Just a quick question, how do you remove the dash panel on a 2000 SL2 in
    order to replace the orginal audio system?

    AN0NYM0US, May 17, 2004
  2. I'm thinking that the 2000SL2 is the same as the 1998SL2 ... if so:

    There is a cowl which goes over the top and down the sides behind the
    center cluster. On the each side of the cowl there is a fastener - use
    a small blunt object (I usually use the end of a clickity ink pen) to
    press on the center of the fastener until it clicks once. You should
    then be able to reach behind the cowl and pull it out gentley - just
    enough that you can pull the fasteners out.

    Attached to the top of the cowl is the defrost/foglamp switch. On the
    underside of the cowl there are two tabs which need to be pressed in
    (kind of at the same time) to detach the switch from the cowl. Set the
    cowl aside, and look under the two center vents for the bolts which hold
    the frame for the factory stereo in. I believe they are 5/32". (or
    9/32, I can't remember offhand). Careful not to lose those bolts. On
    each side of the steel frame are two metal tabs which need to be pressed
    in to slide the frame and the stereo toward you. Slide gently, and when
    you get it out far enough, you can disconnect the antenna. There is a
    tab holding together the two blocks for the wiring harness.

    Most aftermarket stereos will not use the steel frame your factory
    stereo is in, so you can keep it all in one piece.

    To put the fasteners back in, make sure the holes in the cowl are lined
    up. Remove the center piece (the pin) of the fastener first (I find it
    is easier to back the pin out of the outer ring than to push it
    through.) then put the outer piece back in its proper hole. Once you
    have the outer piece in place, push the pin of the fastener until it
    clicks (twice maybe?) and is flush with the outer piece.

    If you break the fasteners, it isn't the end of the world - they're only
    a couple of bucks at the dealership, but the rattling gets annoying fast.

    richard hornsby, May 17, 2004
  3. AN0NYM0US

    BANDIT2941 Guest

    If you break the fasteners, it isn't the end of the world - they're only
    You got that right......I lost one once......rattling is very annoying....
    BANDIT2941, May 17, 2004
  4. AN0NYM0US

    AN0NYM0US Guest

    Thanks for the instructions. But I am not sure if that applies to my 2000

    I did found a web page showing how to remove the dash for Saturn SL2, but
    it looks different than mine.

    So I guess afterall Yr 2000 model is different than 98 model..

    Thx anyways.
    AN0NYM0US, May 17, 2004
  5. So I guess afterall Yr 2000 model is different than 98 model..

    The PDF shows exactly what my 98 looks like. I checked my Haynes after
    posting (was going from memory, swapped out my factory stereo (for about
    the 6th time, stupid BestBuy) this past weekend) and it seemed to
    indicate that the instructions were good for 95-01 models. Strange.

    richard hornsby, May 17, 2004
  6. AN0NYM0US

    AN0NYM0US Guest

    Glad you found the PDF useful for you.. but sure that doesn't applies to Yr
    2000 SL2.. it looks completely different than the 99 model...


    Can you check your Haynes manual and see if there is a different
    instructions? (or you mean the Haynes show the SAME instructions for 95-01?
    If that's the case, I am glad I didn't buy a copy of the Haynes manual the
    other day...)
    AN0NYM0US, May 20, 2004
  7. Can you check your Haynes manual and see if there is a different
    Hrm, I have the manual in my lap and I'm more confused than before. I
    missed the sentence (d'oh) before that says "...or on 2000 and later
    models remove the instrument cluster bezel (see chapter 11)." But
    chapter 11 is as confusing to me as chapter 12 from whence I came.

    Here is what it says in chapter 11 about removing the instrument cluster
    1995 and later models
    - Disconnect the battery
    - Remove knee protector (see sect 27)
    - On later models, remove the two bolts and pull off the left instrument
    panel end cap
    - Remove the steering column covers (see sect 26)
    - On early models (!) remove the steering column mounting bolts ...
    (skip the rest of this one, you don't have an early model)
    - Remove the screws at the top of the bezel and pull the bezel rearward
    to disengage the retaining clips. Disconnect the electrical connectors
    and remove the bezel. later models are retained only by clips
    - Installation is the reverse of the removal procedure

    You might see if you can leaf through a copy of the Haynes manual at
    your local auto shop. I have book #87010, and the quoted section is 24
    on page 11-10.

    richard hornsby, May 20, 2004
  8. AN0NYM0US

    AN0NYM0US Guest

    Was thinking of skipping this step, but seems like a good idea espically
    now this is my second or third time seeing this recommaded step..
    I think up to this point I still have a clue what is it about. In fact
    someone told me similiar things, by removing 2 scres on the far left
    (facing the door)
    Hummmm.... any more details on this one?
    I assume this means after all the panels are removed and start working on
    the radio?
    Humm.. ok then.. maybe I will get myself a copy of the Haynes manual... I
    can only found one at one Canadian Tire store (none in Chapers stores,
    darn!) and it was warpped... Can't just open it and take a peek...

    Thanks anyways, maybe tomorrow, if I have time I will start taking the
    dash apart... (wish me luck! haha)
    AN0NYM0US, May 21, 2004
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