How many RPM's should my 94 SL2 1.9 litre idle at?

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by wrightprice1977, Oct 2, 2005.

  1. It idles at about 700-800 rpm's right now and is really rough. Everything
    on my car is starting to rattle. What could possibly be making my car idle
    so rough? It does this if I am sitting still, in park, and while driving. I
    am also tripping the Service Enginge Soon lite after driving it for a
    little bit, but if I shut the car off for a few minutes and start it back
    up it will be off and it will take a bit for it to come back on. If anyone
    has any Ideas on what mite be wrong or what I can do to fix my car I would
    Appreciate the advice. Also, does anyone know about what it mite cost to
    replace the exaust from the flex pipe back and can I now do this without a
    cattlitic converter now that they are doing away with the E-check stations
    in Ohio?

    Best regards,
    wrightprice1977, Oct 2, 2005
  2. wrightprice1977

    p_vouers Guest

    You might want to go to autozone and have them read what the code
    number is that is turning the ses on. The idle speed is correct for our
    saturns but it does sound like you might have a sticky or bad egr valve
    but without the code number it is only a guess.
    p_vouers, Oct 3, 2005
  3. wrightprice1977

    Lane Guest

    What could possibly be making my car idle so rough?

    PCV valve, EGR, plug wires, or even a collapsed torque axis motor mount.
    Take a close look at the mount. If you see any cracked rubber, I'll bet
    it's the culprit. It may not make your engine idle rough, but would
    transmit a lot more noise and vibration into the passenger compartment if it
    were bad.

    You shouldn't guess and replace parts. If the SES light came on, there is a
    stored code. You should read it to see what's up. Luckily with 1st gen
    cars, you can do it with a paperclip.

    Some excellent instructions can be found here:
    Refer to Diagnostic Trouble Code Information, and Diagnostic Trouble Code
    Chart for 1st Gen Saturns. Or, people posting here have said you can stop
    by any Auto Zone and have them read the codes for no charge.

    Any Haynes or Chilton manual will give additional info on what each code
    It's not worth becoming a polluter. You can get a generic converter from
    your local exhaust shop for under $100.

    Lane [ lane (at) ]
    Lane, Oct 4, 2005
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