how many hours for a head gasket???

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Laurent Doiron, Apr 26, 2004.

  1. --

    Anyone know how many hours it takes to change the head gasket on a 94 saturn
    sl1?? Mechanic at the garage says 68 hours !??? Any sense to this?
    Laurent Doiron, Apr 26, 2004
  2. Laurent Doiron

    marx404 Guest

    2 days, 20 hours? Where did he pull this number up? Is this an "actual"
    timeed labor estimate? You seriously need to get another mechanic. Fire this
    one as soon as possible, don't even discuss it with him, just go get another

    I assume this was a private garage and not Saturn? If it was a Saturn
    retailer garage, then I wold address this with the Service Manager and get a
    viable explanation.

    I recently has the head gasket replaced on my 94 SL2 by Saturn, the labor
    only took a few hours, half a day at most if they are busy.

    We have had much more major work done on our 93 SL1 and they have never kept
    our car for longer than 2 days and that was to replace the transmission!

    marx404, Apr 26, 2004
  3. 68 hours is ridiculous! That's like almost ten days (assuming 7 hour work
    days)! Are you sure that it isn't 6.8 ?
    David Gintz \(formerly newdiver2, Apr 26, 2004
  4. Laurent Doiron

    Steve Barker Guest

    6.8 six point eight.
    Steve Barker, Apr 26, 2004
  5. Laurent Doiron

    MR Guest

    On Mon, 26 Apr 2004 01:02:51 GMT, "Laurent Doiron"

    Anyone know how many hours it takes to change the head gasket on a 94
    sl1?? Mechanic at the garage says 68 hours !??? Any sense to this?

    Maybe that was 6-8 hrs.
    MR, Apr 26, 2004
  6. --

    Six to eight hours is maybe what he said but when he told me 68 hours... I
    asked him again and I'm sure he said again 68 and not 6 to 8. I usually do
    all my mechanic but a head gasket, I would be afraid to mess something up,
    and I don't deal with this mechanic or any often.
    I guess it must've been a DUH !! moment for me. Stupid question I guess. But
    when you don't know.....what can I say. I will give him a call and verify
    this, I must!! I feel foolish now. Thanks for that wake up call!!
    Laurent Doiron, Apr 27, 2004
  7. Laurent Doiron

    Kirk Kohnen Guest

    These are the book values for a 97 SL2. I suspect your numbers for an SL1
    would be similar.

    Bottom line: They get you for 12.7 hours book for this work.

    Labor Skill Level
    Warr Std.

    Cylinder Head Gasket Replace B
    7.8 10.8

    Includes: Remove Carbon &

    Make Necessary Adjustments.


    With AC Add B
    0.8 1.1

    To Replace Valve Cover

    Gasket If Necessary, Add B
    0.5 0.8
    Kirk Kohnen, Apr 27, 2004
  8. Laurent Doiron

    Tim G Guest

    Did mine myself in about 4.5 hours. But i do this daily so
    others time may vary.

    Tim G, Apr 27, 2004
  9. Laurent Doiron

    misterfact Guest

    More important question: How many hours of service can I expect to
    get from my Saturn car- before the head gasket needs replacing? circle

    (A)10 (B) 50 (C)100 (D)500

    answer: all of the above.
    misterfact, Apr 28, 2004
  10. Laurent Doiron

    Blah blah Guest


    answer: pull the stick out of your ass already.
    Blah blah, Apr 28, 2004
  11. Laurent Doiron

    Ron Youvan Guest

    On Mon, 26 Apr 2004 01:02:51 +0000, Laurent Doiron wrote:

    Are you SURE he didn't say 6 OR 8 hours?
    Ron Youvan, May 3, 2004
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