Hit & Skip

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by teem, Jun 8, 2005.

  1. teem

    teem Guest

    Well,started the week off sweetly,on the way to work,-partly
    interstate driving,that's where i got nailed-some s.o.b.decided I was
    going too slow in the fast lane,which no one uses correctly in
    Ohio,went around me,then cut me off,my front passenger side smashed
    with his rear driver side,of course the aggresive hilljack was driving
    a black chevy pick up.Anyway,the damage was remarkably light,just alot
    of rubber rub on the tire rim & fender,when that prick hiy me,i
    thought the car would be all wrinkled,he hit me when we going 65.I
    guess Saturns plastic fender saved me,I'm having a body shop guy try
    to rub/buff out the black rubber tomorrow,the only majorous damage
    other than the body,the pass. mirror glass was knocked out.
    teem, Jun 8, 2005
  2. teem

    Ratbert Guest

    Yeah, we have rolling road blocks in California, too. I hope both of
    you got tickets.
    Ratbert, Jun 8, 2005
  3. teem

    MR Guest

    I agree with Ratbert.
    "Rolling Roadblocks" are a pain in the butt.
    Without more info though, I wouldn't be able to tell who's fault it was.
    You, teem, are the 2nd person I have heard that uses the term "Fast
    Lane", which actually makes me think you are the one that doesn't use it
    That left-hand lane is called the "Passing Lane"; You 'pass' people in
    that lane, you don't drive 'fast' in it.
    If you really want to be technical, all lanes are fast lanes.

    Usually it doesn't bother me much if someone does it, because I'm hardly
    in a hurry to get to my destination.
    I figure it's happening for a reason, like some sort of divine intervention.
    It only gets annoying when that driver doesn't give a crap at being
    courteous and driving safe, so they 'stay' in the passing lane.

    I'll say too, for your description of the hit, it seemed like it would
    be worse than what really happened, so I'm glad it wasn't major damage.
    MR, Jun 8, 2005
  4. teem

    SMacIntyre Guest

    I truly believe if everyone would adhere to the basic rule of "Stay to the
    right except to pass" that it would eliminate 80%of the aggression seen on
    the roads. People get pissed off and aggressive because of a-holes who
    believe who putz in the left lane. I ALMOST have no problem with people if
    they do want to cruise in the left at the speed limit, IF they drive with
    their rear-view mirror and when they see someone coming up of them, move
    over and let them through.

    I think I'm going to make bumper stickers that read:

    "If I'm passing you on the right, YOUR WRONG!!"

    Hey - add your own and maybe I'll get 'em made!

    BTW Teem - How (apparently in Ohio) is one supposed to use the left hand
    lane "correctly"? Were you passing anyone at the time? If not, YOUR

    SMacIntyre, Jun 8, 2005
  5. teem

    Ron Herfurth Guest

    I don't call it the fast lane or passing lane, it's just another lane to
    handle the traffic. Around here the right lane just seems to have more
    potholes and rough spots so I stay left. The folklore here is that you can
    drive 5 mph over the limit and you won't get ticketed (some say its 9 mph
    but I don't have the guts to test that theory). So if someone is in the
    left lane doing 5 mph over, the right lane is full of cars doing a bit less
    than the limit, and a guy comes up in the left doing 20 over the limit, is
    the guy doing 5 over in the left lane obligated to get out of the way of a
    law breaker? I don't see that someone doing 5 over is causing a roadblock.

    Ron Herfurth, Jun 8, 2005
  6. teem

    Steve Guest

    My view is that I'm not a cop, so I don't get to decide whether it's
    appropriate for someone to be doing more than the speed limit. Maybe s/he
    has an injured passenger and is on the way to the hospital. So I feel I
    should get out of the way if I'm in the passing lane. OTOH, I am
    sympathetic with the view that accommodating someone breaking the law is not
    your obligation.
    Passing on the right, as the teem's experience shows, is dangerous and
    should be avoided. The truck's driver (the one that hit teem) should, IMHO,
    have first tried to get teem to move over to the right. In fact, in
    Connecticut (last I checked), passing on the right is strictly forbidden.
    Steve, Jun 8, 2005
  7. teem

    Brian Talley Guest

    That's the problem right there. It's the passing lane. Learn road
    etiquette: the far left lane is for *passing*. If someone comes up behind
    you, you are obliged to get out of the way (speed up or move over).

    Too many people have this "I'm going XX which should be fast enough for
    anybody. That jerk needs to slow down."

    It sounds as though you were wrong to block the passing lane. But hitting
    another vehicle is also pretty stupid.

    Brian Talley, Jun 8, 2005
  8. teem

    Brian Talley Guest

    Get on the Garden State Parkway in NJ and let me know how that works for
    Brian Talley, Jun 8, 2005
  9. teem

    Brian Talley Guest

    How 'bout "YOU'RE WRONG"? Otherwise, the grammar police will get you.
    Brian Talley, Jun 8, 2005
  10. teem

    Brian Talley Guest

    And this helps illustrate just how bad driver's education is. At least in
    the U.S., which, I (perhaps wrongly) presume is the country from which
    you're driving.

    The left-most lane is, in fact, the passing lane. Certainly, in most
    congested areas, it accommodates traffic as do the other two or three
    lanes to the right, but it is *supposed* to be used for passing slower
    You *could* put in a call to your local town/city supervisors and ask them
    to fix the problem.
    Oh dear....
    OTHER DRIVER? If you were in another lane, you wouldn't find anyone else
    on your tail. Why do you think that is, hmmm?
    That's probably because you ARE the roadblock. I can't stand 'em.
    Brian Talley, Jun 8, 2005
  11. teem

    Brian Talley Guest

    Passing on the right is not entirely legal in NYS, either. But if you do
    it, a cop won't pull you over, unless you're doing mach 3 in which case
    you'll get a speeding ticket instead.

    Thanks for phrasing the argument in a more politic fashion than I did just
    Brian Talley, Jun 8, 2005
  12. teem

    SMacIntyre Guest

    SMacIntyre, Jun 8, 2005
  13. teem

    Ron Herfurth Guest

    jees, chill a little.

    It's not worth the time to call anyone about long stretches of bad roads
    between towns, all the highway money is getting poured into roads in the
    large cities.
    What's the "oh dear" for? that I might drive a few miles over of that I
    don't have guts to drive 9 over? Are you saying I'm a fool or a chicken?
    (don't care which, been called a lot worse, just curious).
    I DO MOVE OVER ! I DON'T PASS JUDGMENT ! i just wish there was a speed
    trap to catch the guy that just blew my doors off.
    imho doing 5 over the limit in the left lane is not being a road block,
    especially if I pull over for speeders. doing 5 under in the left is a road
    block; somehow that distinction has come up in the thread yet.
    Ron Herfurth, Jun 8, 2005
  14. teem

    Brian Talley Guest

    How 'bout a compromise? I'll lighten up if you'll try to remember that
    there are those who prefer to pass (as opposed to merely drive 5MPH over
    the speed limit) at whatever speed they choose in the fast lane. Fair?
    If the roads are in bad enough condition that you are compelled to drive
    in the far left lane and thus impose yourself as a potential hazard to
    other drivers, you absolutely should consider it worth the time to contact
    It's a matter of local culture, I expect. I know in some areas in the
    Pacific Northwest, driving the speed limit is the norm. Where I am,
    driving 15+ over is the norm. (Of course, the base speed limit plays a
    Okay, then there should be no problem. :) If someone comes up on you
    quick when you're in the left lane and you make every effort to get out of
    their way ASAP, then you're acting appropriately.
    When you're asking about the roads, you might bring up the topic of
    additional speed traps, too.
    I don't care if you're going 150MPH. If someone else wants to do 180, YOU
    MOVE! If that's what you're doing, great - no worries. :) It sounds as
    though maybe you're not fully understanding the use of the left lane, is
    Brian Talley, Jun 9, 2005
    Just move over...write down the license plate number, call the Highway
    Patrol and let them handle the fool...Oh, smile and wave when you go by
    while they are getting a massive ticket.
    Seamus's Stuff, Jun 9, 2005
  16. teem

    Bob Shuman Guest

    Good suggestion ... and do remember to make sure that you tell them that the
    driver appeared to be drunk and was a danger to others so they make sure
    they pull them over.
    Bob Shuman, Jun 9, 2005
  17. teem

    Lane Guest

    So if someone is in the left lane doing 5 mph over, the right lane is full
    of cars doing a bit less than the limit, and a guy comes up in the left
    doing 20 over the limit, is the guy doing 5 over in the left lane obligated
    to get out of the way of a law breaker?

    Absolutely, without question. Law breaker or not, regardless of speed. Get
    the heck out of the way.

    Lane [ lane (at) evilplastic.com ]
    Lane, Jun 9, 2005
  18. teem

    Steve Guest

    And thank YOU for the kind words! I'm not always that polite because
    there are some times and some subjects about which I feel more as you do.
    Too bad about the NY cops failing to enforce the "no passing on right"
    law. I wish they'd at least issue warnings more often, if not issue a
    Steve, Jun 9, 2005
  19. teem

    teem Guest

    Hi Everyone!,seems i'm at fault with some of you.lets just say if i
    tried to move over id a bumped off him & made a real mess.but I was
    trying to move over,he didnt want to wait,thanks to all you
    witnesses!!.And another thing:looking at the license # while all this
    going on is the last thing on your mind.Final story,the ouside mirror
    was broken,$160.00.It is amazing how the plastic panels/fenders On my
    Ion ''performed''.If I was 10 years younger,I'd be hunting down this
    aggressive hilljack. Wed, 08 Jun 2005 19:18:37 GMT, Brian Talley
    teem, Jun 11, 2005
  20. teem

    SMacIntyre Guest


    OK - I'll give you back a small amount of credit - You had failed to mention
    that you were TRYING to move over and he didn't wait. I'll give you the
    benefit of the doubt that maybe you were passing someone (with the p/u on
    your tail) and then didn't give you enough time to move over after you
    passed slower traffic. As I said before, as long as your passing someone,
    and not "traveling" in the left lane, I wouldn't mind much slowing down to
    let you finish your pass, as long as you then moved over.

    On a side note, we have a additional problem on Long Island that amplifies
    this whole problem and that is the addition of the HOV lanes. They put them
    in the far, far left lane, so the idiots have to work their way through 3
    lanes of traffic (usually chatting away with their passengers), and cruising
    at 55 in the left lane until the entrance to the HOV comes up. The same
    when they get out of the HOV - They are entering into traffic moving around
    75 doing 55.... Between them and the people trying to go around them it's a
    friggin' miracle anyone gets where their going in one piece....

    SMacIntyre, Jun 13, 2005
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