High Idle

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by whoareyou4, Feb 26, 2005.

  1. whoareyou4

    whoareyou4 Guest

    I have a 97 SC2 and when I come to a stop the the engine wants to idle
    at around 2000 rpm, then it drops down to about 1500 for a short while
    eventually it will drop back down to normal.
    I just pulled the throttle body off and cleaned it, I took out the IAC
    valve and cleaned the carbon off the end of the pintle, reinstalled
    everything and the car still does the same thing.

    Could I have a bad Throttle Position Sensor?

    No codes by the way.
    whoareyou4, Feb 26, 2005
  2. whoareyou4

    jdoe Guest

    The actual IAC could be bad. Another thing that causes this is the coolant
    temp sensor. The one that mounts in the driver's side of the cyl. head. On
    mine it was the IAC BTW. Before you replace anything though try one quick
    thing. with the engine idling create a vacum leak (pull off a hose). Than
    seal the leak with your finger than reopen than plug the hose back on. Than
    see if the engine behaves itself.
    jdoe, Feb 26, 2005
  3. whoareyou4

    Oppie Guest

    Good advice. I always look for a vacuum leak first and pinch hoses to check
    for any abnormal airflows while listening to the rpm. If RPM drops when the
    hose is pinched, that is a likely source.
    A full featured scan tool will do more than just read codes. On some of
    them, you can read the actual coolant temperature (or any real value from
    sensors) and compare this to the actual engine temperature. Somtimes this is
    a lot beter than just replacing sensos since it tests the entire signal run
    from the sensor to the computer.

    Unfortunately, everything that I have seen in scan tools, short of the
    factory tools only does reads of the computers. They do not have the
    ablility to perform actuator tests. On another older vehicle, I had a
    diagnostic tool that could perform actuator tests like controlling valves
    and even the idle motor. I miss that ability on my lw300. A tech 2 tool
    would be nice but what shade tree mechanic can afford one of those?
    Oppie, Feb 26, 2005
  4. I had this just recently - car would idle at ~~1500 or 2000. And you
    could tell the computer was trying to keep it there.

    Coolant temp sensor.

    On the older 4 bangers, you can swap the ATS and CTS cause they're the
    same. Quick and free. I don't know what the air temp sensor even does
    besides make the EPA happy...
    Philip Nasadowski, Feb 28, 2005
  5. whoareyou4

    blah blah Guest

    The ATS (on most cars) is one sensor that will keep the ac from kicking
    on when its below 40deg to prevent you from destroying your compressor
    among doing other "good" things. This isnt 1978, emission control
    devices do little to rob power, if anything they help make it when they
    work correctly.
    blah blah, Feb 28, 2005
  6. whoareyou4

    Oppie Guest

    I don't know what the air temp sensor even does
    Induction air temperature sensing, along with throttle position sensor and
    manifold Absolute Pressure sensor are used to compute the Mass Air Flow of
    air entering the cylinder. This is a round-about way of not using a more
    accurate (and much more expensive) Mass Airflow Sensor. Ultimately this
    measures how much air is in the cylinder and then affects how much fuel to
    inject for a correct burn.
    Oppie, Feb 28, 2005
  7. whoareyou4

    Richard Guest

    What State are you in? Isn't this normal when it is cold out? Mine does this
    all winter long, but only when it is cold. When I start it warm, there is no

    Richard, Mar 21, 2005
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