help ignition switch problem !

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by justastreekin, Jul 12, 2007.

  1. Hello I have a problem with 93 sl2 ignition switch
    it is now locked in acc possition and cant be moved or removed, also the
    trans can be shifted from park to any position without aplying brake.
    before this hapened i noticed the key fit in the ignition very loosely
    justastreekin, Jul 12, 2007

  2. This may not apply to a 1993 Saturn SL2, but my sister just recently had
    an identical problem with her 2006 Jeep Liberty. It turned out to be a
    broken shifter cable.

    Larry Harvilla
    e-mail: larry AT phatpage DOT org

    Highways section still in progress at
    Larry Harvilla, Jul 12, 2007
  3. justastreekin

    James1549 Guest

    You have a common problem that occurs with most early S Series. My '92
    did the same thing - I had to have mine towed home. The next day I
    replaced the lock cylinder and a part of the housing in the column. My
    Saturn parts guy 'keyed' the new lock cylinder to fit my old key. Also
    I had two new keys made to keep the originals for spares.

    Good Luck, James
    James1549, Jul 12, 2007
  4. Thanks Larry for posting about the shift cable that looks ok has to be the
    lock ! hey James can you give me an idea how much the new lock and geting
    it rekeyed run you, I had to get mine towed, tow truck operator said i
    could get whole steering columb for 45 bucks from salvage.
    justastreekin, Jul 13, 2007
  5. justastreekin

    James1549 Guest

    Larry, If you go the salvage route, you could be in the same boat in a
    week, a month, or next year. I would go new if you have the ability to
    install new parts. I searched my receipts and can not come up with
    part numbers for you. I do recall replacing the lock cylinder and a
    housing called a module.

    Once in the column, you will have to drill out 3 screws. They are made
    to break off when installing. The head is broke off, but a shoulder
    holds the module in place. I believe that makes it harder for thieves
    to steal your car. When I installed the new screws, I didn't
    overtighten them so they would not break off. I figured there would be
    a next time!

    You may get by with just replacing the lock cylinder, but mine was
    beyond that. The new lock cylinder was to loose in the module.

    If I recall correctly, it was less than $60 for all the parts needed.

    Good luck, James
    James1549, Jul 13, 2007
  6. thanks James yeh i took air bag out and the rest dont look to complicated
    going to look for new lock tomorrow.
    justastreekin, Jul 13, 2007
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