Head Set - 98 SL2 - For $85 ?!

Discussion in 'Saturn S-series' started by mgrabows, Apr 5, 2006.

  1. mgrabows

    mgrabows Guest


    My 98 SL2 has been eating coolant and oil recently and after
    replacing the radiator, I found oil in the coolant. I've decided to do
    the head gasket repair myself and I received a $84.99 quote from
    AutoZone on a head set.

    I need some help to confirm all of the parts that I should expect
    in the kit. These are the parts that I'm familar with:

    Head gasket
    Valve gasket
    Intake gasket

    Is there anything else that should be included in the kit? Is $85
    too good to be true? I'm figuring it might just include the gasket and
    the bolts.

    Thanks in advance. Appreciate the group and its help.

    - Michael
    mgrabows, Apr 5, 2006
  2. mgrabows

    Lane Guest

    I believe that it is suggested that the coolant resorvoir, thermostat, and
    some various coolant hoses/seals be replaced also since the oil that got
    into the cooling system contaminates them and can continue to degrade them.
    Not sure on all the parts involved. You may want to pick up a Haynes or
    Chilton manual for the car and see if they mention it. If not, a polite
    call to the service department at your local Saturn dealer may answer that

    Lane [ lane (at) evilplastic.com ]
    Lane, Apr 5, 2006
  3. I would also strongly recommend having the head planed (milled) to make sure
    it is perfectly flat. Often, when a head gasket goes, it's because of
    irregularities in the head's surface. It will be money well spent.
    Dennis Sullivan, Apr 8, 2006
  4. I often wondered about this.

    Is there a spec that says just how much you CAN hone off of a head?

    I mean there are values that have to move into the head space that you need
    to maintain clearance on (between piston head and value at the maximum of
    the exhaust stroke) so where are they listed.
    Ray Cassick \(Home\), Apr 8, 2006
  5. mgrabows

    blah blah Guest

    You think its warped? You do not remove material from a "OHC/DOHC" Head.
    You will screw up enigne timing if you do. You heat the head up and
    torque it to a large iron plate designed for that head to straighten it
    and allow it to cool.
    blah blah, Apr 8, 2006
  6. mgrabows

    Lane Guest

    Yes, there is. You can find it in a Haynes/Chilton manual, or the factory
    service manual for the vehicle.

    Uh, did you just make that up? You most certainly can remove material from
    the head, and the factory publishes a spec for it in the factory service
    manual. It does not adversely affect the timing.

    Lane [ lane (at) evilplastic.com ]
    Lane, Apr 8, 2006
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