Hard to start

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by chuck50, Jun 17, 2004.

  1. chuck50

    chuck50 Guest

    97 Saturn sl, automatic, the engine will not start when the engine has not
    been started for a day or so. The caar turns over without any hesitation,
    the fuel pump works and seems to pressurize the system but he car will not
    start. When a small amount of starting fluid is sprayed into the air
    intake it starts immisiatly. Runs smooth without lost of power. Took car
    the local Auto Zone and they were unble to read any codes from the
    computer. They stated that once the car starts the codes can not be read.

    Does the car have a cold start system? How can I determine that this is
    the problem? Any Ideas Are Welcome
    chuck50, Jun 17, 2004
  2. chuck50

    Blah Blah Guest

    Usually the car shoots a priming shot of fuel into the engine. Maybe
    your injectors are sticking on that priming shot. (but all 4 at once?
    unlikely) First I would probably pull the plugs and make sure they are
    good. My other thought would be your ecm is seeing Wide Open Throttle
    (wot) and that is the clear flood mode which prevents your injectors
    from pulsing unless the engine goes over 400rpm or so then it will start
    pulsing the injectors.
    Blah Blah, Jun 17, 2004
  3. chuck50

    ROY HINDS Guest

    I have a 97 also. There was a recall several years back on the fuel pumps
    because of letting pressure drop after the engine had been shut off. The
    fuel pump is supposed to maintain enough pressure so that when you go to
    start the car (like the next day) the injectors still have enough pressure
    to spray adequately to start the engine. My symptoms were a hard to start
    engine after it had set over night. I would have to open the throttle a lot
    and after a lot of cranking it would finally start. Once started there was
    no problem. I would suggest checking the pressure with the ignition turned
    off to see if the fuel pump is not holding.
    ROY HINDS, Jun 18, 2004
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